Journal of Infection and Molecular Biology
Agarose gel electrophoresis analysis showing Oma87 gene (2.42 Kb) of P. multocida sheep S02 isolate and 1Kb ladder
Phylogenetic tree analysis for the Oma87 gene sequence of P. multocida sheep S02 isolate with nine similar sequence obtained by BLAST hits using MEGA6
3D structure of Oma87 protein of P. multocida sheep isolate predicted using Swizz modeller
Ramachandran plot for 3D model of the Oma87 protein
3D structure of MHC class II binding FYQYYSAGGIGSLRG epitope (a)
MHC class I binding FYQYYSAGGIGSL epitope of Oma87 protein (b)
3D structure of MHC class I H2-kDa protein (a)
Ramachandran plot (b)
3D structure of MHC class II H2-IAb protein (a)
Ramachandran plot (b)
Molecular docking of FYQYYSAGGIGSL epitope with MHC class I H2-kDa protein
Molecular docking of FYQYYSAGGIGSLRG epitope withMHC class II H2-IAb protein