South Asian Journal of Life Sciences
Okpara stream and sampling sites. Site 1= Perere Township, Site 2 = Gadela village (Parakou Township), Site 3= Kpassa village (Tchaourou Township), Site 4= Yarimarou village (Tchaourou Township), Site 5 = Sui village (Tchaourou Township).
Internal anatomy of Hemichromis fasciatus : a= internal disposition of organs (1= gills; 2= liver; 3= anterior intestine; 4= spleen; 5= pyloric stomach; 6= middle intestine; 7= post intestine; 8= anus; 9= testis immature; 10= fundic stomach; 11= cardiac stomach; 12= oesophagus) b= Structure of digestive tracts.
Relationship between Log (gut length) and Log (body weight) of Hemichromis fasciatus (N=2,357) from Okpara stream of Oueme river (North-Benin)
Relationship between Log (gut length) and Log (Standard Length) of Hemichromis fasciatus (N=2,357) from Okpara stream of Oueme river (North-Benin)