Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Research Article
Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 6(8): 337-340
Figure 1
Shows the total number of camels in Iraq and in other camels breeder countries in 1975 (X 1000)
Figure 2
Shows the number of slaughtered camel in Iraqi governorate during 12 months of year 2008 (Doh=Dohuk, Nin=Nineveh, Sul=Sulaymaniya, Kir=Kirkuk, Erb=Erbil, Dai=Daialya, Anb= Anbar, Bag=Baghdad, Bab=Babel, Kar= Karbala,Was=Wassit, Sal=Salah Eldin, Naj=Najaf, Al Qad=Al Qadissya, AlMuth=Al Muthanna, DHi=Dhi Qar, May=Mayssan, Bas=Basra, Tot No= Total number).