Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Mean total bacterial count and total vibrio count (cfu/ml) in rearing water during larval culture on symbiotic.
The proximate composition of L. vannamei feed on synbiotics.
Gas liquid chromatography (GLC) profile of Fatty acids of sample No G-I.
Gas liquid chromatography (GLC) profile of Fatty acids of sample No G-II.
Gas liquid chromatography (GLC) profile of Fatty acids of sample No G-III.
Immune parameters of L. vannamei feed on synbiotics at the end of the 60 days experimental period.
Antioxidation factors of L. vannamei feed on synbiotics at the end of the 60 days experimental period.
IL-4 (A), IL-12 (B), and HSP (C) mRNA quantification in the larval extract of L. vannamei feed on synbiotics at the end of the 60 days experimental period. Values are mean + SE, n = 3.
Cumulative mortality and protective efficacy of L. vannamei feed on synbiotics at the end of the 60 days experimental period and challenge with V. harveyii after end of the experiment by immersion with 1.96×107 cfu ml-1.