Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences
TEM micrograph of ALg-propolis NPs.
Mean live daily body gain in the different treatments of Egyptian-Nubian goat kids (gm) (x̅ ± Sx̅).
Mean live total body gain in the different treatments of born Egyptian-Nubian goat kids (kg) (x̅ ± Sx̅).
Mean live body weight changes in different treatments of born Egyptian-Nubian goat kids (kg) (x̅ ± Sx̅).
Mean total protein, albumin and globulins in born Egyptian-Nubian goat kids (kg) (x̅ ± Sx̅).
Immunoglobulin G measured from plasma at different ages and feeding systems in Egyptian-Nubian goat kids.
Immunoglobulin A measured from plasma at different ages and feeding systems in Egyptian-Nubian goat kids.
IFN-α measured from plasma at different ages and feeding systems in Egyptian-Nubian goat kids.
TNFα measured from plasma at different ages and feeding systems in Egyptian-Nubian goat kids.
IL1β measured from plasma at different ages and feeding systems in Egyptian-Nubian goat kids.
IL6 measured from plasma at different ages and feeding systems in Egyptian-Nubian goat kids.