Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Representative experimental design with broilers receiving, housing system, management, grouping according to treatments, sampling, and measurements.
Live and carcass weights and immune organs’ ratio in broilers reared in different heating systems. Live marketing body weight (g) in broilers reared in different heating systems. Carcass weight (g) in broilers reared in different heating systems. Liver and heart to carcass ratio (%) in broilers reared in different heating systems. D) Bursa and Spleen to carcass ratio (%) in broilers reared in different heating systems.
Biochemical profile in broilers reared in different heating systems. Proteinogram serum concentrations (g/dl) in broilers reared in different heating systems. Liver and muscle enzymes concentrations (IU/L) in broilers reared in different heating systems. Urea serum concentrations (mg/dl). Creatinine serum concentrations (mg/dl)
Sera stress marker (µg/dl) and immunoglobulin concentrations (mg/dl). Cortisol serum concentrations (µg/dl) in broilers reared in different heating systems. B) Immunoglobulin (IgG and IgM) serum concentrations (mg/dl) in broilers reared in different heating systems.
Bacterial counts and isolation (CFU/mL). Total bacterial counts of intestinal swabs (TBCi) expressed by CFU/ml, Total Enterobacteriaceae counts of intestinal swabs (TECi) expressed by CFU/ml.Total bacterial count of breast muscles (TBCm) expressed by CFU/ml and Total Enterobacteriaceae counts of breast muscles (TECm) expressed by CFU/ml. E. coli isolation and counts (CFU/ml) from intestinal swabs and breast muscles of broilers reared in different heating systems. Salmonella isolation and counts (CFU/ml) from intestinal swabs and breast muscles of broilers reared in different heating systems.