Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Lethal concentrations of 50% (LC50) for larvae, unfed adults, and engorged females of H. dromedarii treated with plant extracts prepared from M. azedarach and A. herba-alba, (a) petroleum ether extracts, (b) ethyl alcohol extracts.
Cross sections of semifed females of H. dromedarii treated with four plant extracts: a-b: untreated (control), c-d: treated with petroleum ether extract of M. azedarach, e-f: treated with ethyl alcohol extract of M. azedarach, g-h: treated with petroleum ether extract of A. herba-alba, i-j: treated with ethyl alcohol extract of A. herba-alba. The images (a), (c), (e), (g), and (i) photographed at 10× indicate the changes in the cuticles. The images (b), (d), (f), (h), and (j) photographed at 20× indicate the changes in gut walls and their epithelial cells. epc: epicuticle, exc: exocuticle, enc: endocuticle, m: muscle layer, bs: basal membrane, n: nucleus.basal