Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Preparation steps of PRP gel; layers after first (A) and second (B) centrifugation and PRP gel formation (C). 45S5 silicate bioactive glass discs which used as scaffold materials (D).
Gross observation of silicate 45S5 BG treated defects shows complete re-buildup by 60 days with a noticeable callus irregularity (circle) (A) with significant decreasing effect on defect size at all-time point (B). *P<0.05
Gross observation of PRP treated defects presents lack of incomplete closure by 60 days (A). However, interestingly, marked significant healing effect only at 15 and 30 days post injury was evident (B). **P<0.01 and ***P<0.001
Gross observation of silicate 45S5 BG/PRP treated defects exhibits complete healing by 60 days with a noticeable smooth callus surface (A) and significant decrease of the defect size at all-time points (B). *P<0.05 and **P<0.01
Radiographic evaluation displays complete bony regenerate throughout defects treated with silicate 45S5 BG (A) in addition to significant increase in radiopacity (B). *P<0.05
Radiographic evaluation reveals incomplete osseous healing in both PRP- treated and untreated defects (A) with a marked significant increase in radiopacity at 30 days post-injury (B). *P<0.05 and **P<0.01
Radiographic evaluation shows complete bony regenerate throughout defects treated with silicate 45S5 BG/PRP (A) in addition to significant increase in radiopacity mainly at 45 and 60 days post-operative (B). *P<0.05, **P<0.01 and ***P<0.001
Histological findings of treated and untreated defects after H&E staining. Ungrafted defects shows thin woven bone trabeculae (arrow) with wide intertrabecular spaces containing granulation tissue (arrowhead) at day 45 (A), and incomplete defect fill (arrow) at day 60 (B). Silicate 45S5 BG-treated group displays newly formed bone invading defect center at day 45. Bone marrow is also observed (arrow) (C). Center is completely filled with newly immature woven bone (arrow) at day 60 (D). While in PRP-treated group, no much newly formed bone tissue (arrow) at day 45 is observed (E). Incomplete fill of defect with basophilic mineralized bone (arrow) and remnants of PRP (arrow head) are indicated at day 60. (F), whereas in silicate 45S5 BG/PRP-treated group, the defect is nearly replaced by newly formed osseous tissue containing BG particles (arrow) at day 45 (G). Complete fill of the bone defect with integrated mature lamellar osteoid tissue is indicated (arrow) at day 60 (H). 20x magnifications
Bar graph presenting the percent bones formation as indicated by H&E. Note increasing bone formation over time except in PRP by 8 weeks