Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Seabuckthorn seeds collected from Ladakh and Uttarakhand at different altitude
1-20 (Hippophae rhamnoides subsp turkestanica) seed sample collected from different plants raised at different institute of high Altitude research, Leh Ladakh. The remains 16 (21-36, Hippophae salicifolia D. Don) seed sample collected from different location of Uttarakhand (Sharma et al., 2013).
UTR-SSR-15 primer PCR products run in 1.5% agarose and (A). Combined UPGMA Clustering generated by NTSYS Software.
Phylogenetic Analysis of Nucleotide sequence which were polymorphic in seabuckthorn genotypes. Tree made by using Mega5.05, using Bootstrap value of 1000. Of given five sequences.
Bootstrap clustering generated by Winboot software (B). Combined UPGMA Clustering generated by NTSYS Software
Phylogentic Analysis of Protein sequence of similar proteins in Zea mays (ZM), Oryza sativa (OS), Hippophae rhamnoides (HR), Hippophae gyantsensis (HG) and Primer used in Seabuckthorn (ST). Using same software as above
Spider wave chart for Total protein (buffer soluble) of seabuckthorn (DIHAR-1to 20: Hippophae rhamnoides subsp turkestanica and ST-1to 16:Hippophae salicifolia D. Don) seeds, collected from different location of Uttarakhand and Ladhakh
Total buffer soluble protein isolated from sea buckthorn seeds run in 15% SDS PAGE gel, A, Loading M= Medium range protein molecular weight marker, 1-16 sample collected from Uttarakhand and remaining 17-36 were collected from Ladhakh, and marking denote the unique bands.
Total buffer soluble protein isolated from sea buckthorn seeds run in 15% SDS PAGE gel, B, UPGMA Clustering generated by NTSYS Software
Graphical representation of anti-oxidant, Pattern for Total Phenolic content = Uttarakand> Ladakh, Pattern for total flavonoid content = Uttarakhand< Ladakh and Pattern for total anti-oxidant scavenging = Uttarakhand approximately same with Ladakh