Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Agarose gel electrophoresis of ns1 gene RT-PCR of Indian BTV16 isolates.
Lane L: Ladder 100bp; 1: GNT27/IND; 2: MBN48/IND; 3: MBN50/IND; 4: VJW66/IND; 5: BHK21 cell control; 6: Nuclese free water control. The left side numbers indicate DNA marker and right side indicated size of PCR product.
Agarose gel electrophoresis of vp2 gene RT-PCR of Indian BTV16 isolates.
Lane L: Ladder 100bp; 1: GNT27/IND; 2: MBN48/IND; 3: MBN50/IND; 4: VJW66/IND; 5: BHK21 cell control; 6: Nuclease free water control. The left side numbers indicate DNA marker and right side indicated size of PCR product.
Phylogenetic analysis of vp2 gene of Indian BTV16 isolates
Tree was constructed using neighbour joining method with 1000 bootstrap values in Mega6 software programme (Tamura et al., 2013); ●=Selected isolate in this study