Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Pregnancy diagnosis of goats by ultrasonography : a. twin in 30 days, b. twin in 35 days, c. single in 50 days, and d. single in 55 days
The product was electrophoresis on 2% agarose gel at 5 volt/cm2, 1x TBE buffer for 2 hours. M: DNA ladder (100-10000bp), Lane 1-10 product for FSHR gene of Goat, PCR product of band size 304 bp. visualized under U.V light after staining with red stain safe
Electrophoresis pattern of PCR product digested with restriction enzyme (2% agarose gel) in goat. Lane’s 2,3,4,5,6 homozygous: AA genotype (single birth); Lane’s 7,8,9,10 heterozygous: AB genotype(twin birth) . Lane’s 1 homozygous: BB genotype (twin birth) with. M: DNA molecular marker 100 bp size .by red stain in the gel